You began this piece by mentioning furosemide. Am I right that before furosemide, the best treatment for CHF might have been blood letting? A family member left an account of my grandfather's death in 1935. The doctor came to the house and said he had had an heart attack, and he was going to die. It took about a week for him to die from CHF. Today, he might have gotten furosemide in the Emergency Department and been sent home.

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He would say the patient is on a light diet....when the lights come on they start eating. I miss him.

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Dr. M I love your mind. I love your caring heart. I wish I'd meet you one day. Great email as usual.

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What will we say, in 200 years , when we talk about the current approach to medicine? What will blow future human’s minds? Another thought provoking piece, thanks for sharing!

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